Dr. Ryan Warr is the X-ray Developer and Imaging Processing expert at Silveray. Having recently completed his PhD at The University of Manchester in the field of Energy Selective (hyperspectral) X-ray Computed Tomography, his work is highly relevant to the company. His PhD focused on investigating bright-field imaging applications with hyperspectral CT, with a particular interest in bioimaging. The project included a combination of experimental work, optimising image settings and post-processing of scan data, as well as a range of data reconstruction and analysis using Python programming. Ryan is very enthusiastic about both computational physics/software development and the development of applications in accompanying hardware. He has experience in optimising and using Nikon X-Ray instruments, both collecting and analysing data for post processing. Further to this he is also competent in programming in both Matlab and Python, with skills also in GUI development through collaborating with Thermo Fisher Scientific on their 3D visualisation software (Avizo). Ryan is always passionate about learning new topics and furthering his understanding, thriving on any new challenge that he may face.