Professor Ravi Silva CBE is the Founder and Chief Scientific Officer at Silveray, as well as an Advisory Group Member. He is the Director of the Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) and heads the interdisciplinary Nano-Electronics Centre (NEC) at Surrey University, where he is a Surrey Distinguished Professor. In 2003 he was awarded the Albert Einstein Silver Medal and Javed Husain Prize by UNESCO for contributions to electronic devices. In 2003 the largest EPSRC Portfolio award for £7M was made to Prof. Silva and his team on Integrated Electronics, which was followed in 2004 by a SRIF award for £4M to set up a Nano-Electronics Centre for multidisciplinary research. In 2007, Prof. Silva was the runner-up of the “Times Higher Education Young Scientist of the Year”, and “Most Entrepreneurial Scientist 2007, United Kingdom”. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and is currently conducting a major study on the deployment of solar PV in the UK and India. He is an expert in nanotechnology and carbon electronics. He has also been PI for two Innovate UK grants for Innovation for Industry (I4I) on X-ray Detectors and part of a NIHR invention for innovation grants, in collaboration with the National Physical Laboratory and Royal Surrey Country Hospital on radiology measurement techniques for clinical applications. In 2010 he was awarded the Royal Society Clifford Patterson Award for 2011 for outstanding contributions in the fields of carbon nanoscience and nanotechnology. In 2014 he was awarded the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), JJ Thomson Medal for contributions to Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and in 2015 the Platinum medal of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining for contributions to the advancement and promotion of carbon nanomaterials for technology applications and the James Joule Award by the Institute of Physics in 2018. He is author of more than 600 scientific articles, with over 24,000 citations and an H-factor of 79. He has won over £40m in research funding, and sits on the UK panel for Research Excellence Framework for Engineering 2021 (REF2021).